This year marks the 15th anniversary of the launch of Google Trends. In doing so, when we investigated search trends related to Google Trends over the past 15 years, we found that "How to use Google Trends" and "How Google Trends work" were often investigated. So here are 15 tips for getting the most out of Google Trends and gaining interesting insights.
- Date-by-date data: Google Trends lets you see what people were searching for on any date from 2004 up to a few minutes ago. The data is based on his two datasets: historical (2004-3 days ago) and real-time (last week). Real-time search trends offer a more granular, minute-by-minute view.
- "Hot" and "Popular" in Related Topics and Words: Featured shows the queries that are seeing the fastest growth in searches, and Popular shows the topics and queries that are being searched most during a given time period. Featured searches help you see how things have changed.
- Choose 'Topics' whenever possible: When you enter a term in Google Trends, you'll be given the option to select either 'Search Keywords' or 'Topics'. Here, it is recommended to select "Topic" whenever possible. "Topics" are language-independent, covering variations and mistakes in spelling, and multiple names, so you can explore trends more broadly.
- Compare regions and cities: You can also use Google Trends when you want to compare search terms in different regions or cities. Google Trends normalizes* search data according to the time and location of the query , enabling comparative searches by region.
- Daily Search Trends: Know daily search trends for many countries around the world . You can also see search volume here.
- Explore current trends: Real-time search trends are great for seeing what's happening in the moment and correlating it to the news.
- Always compare: When you want to understand the scale of search trends, you can use relative comparisons to measure popularity. One of the topic recommendations to use as a comparison target is weather, which continues to be searched the most on a daily basis .
- See how people search for the same topic in different places: Use Google Trends to compare up to 5 topics or search terms by region. For example , you can see how coronavirus searches have changed in different countries around the world over the last 12 months.
- Discover common interests people share with Google Trends: Google Trends is a human-centric dataset. People search for things they care about. With Google Trends, you can use and visualize data, such as dreams , dogs and cats , and how to fix your litter box.
- Google Trends is not a poll: Google Trends is not a tool for creating scientific polls, nor is it poll data. Google Trends data only reflects search interest in a particular topic at a given time.
- But the data can tell us a lot: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) uses Google Trends in between quarterly releases to get a better picture of how the global economy is doing, with weekly Checking GDP .
- Autocomplete and Google Trends data are not the same: Autocomplete predicts what you are about to type to help you reach search results faster. However, we don't want the predictive feature to display inappropriate words and phrases that create an unpleasant experience. So, while you can enter any term in the search, there are policies that apply to terms that autocomplete. Google Trends, on the other hand, is a tool that lets you know the search interest for any query. Unlike auto-complete, you'll see Google Trends data available for any query, because you've entered a phrase to know the result.
- Know what's trending in your area: See what's trending in your state for the past month or even a year back without typing a search term. For example, here are the trends in Tokyo over the past month :
- Download data: Data can be easily downloaded by simply clicking the download button next to each graph. For larger datasets, check out the Google BigQuery team's new daily trending search dataset .
- Have fun with Google Trends: About 15% of Google search queries every day are completely new and have never been seen before. Google Trends is a great tool for learning about the ever-changing interests of people around the world.
*Google Trends normalizes search data to make comparisons between keywords easier. Search results are normalized according to the time and location of the query by the following process.- Each data point is divided by the total number of searches for the location and time range to compare relative popularity. Without this, the location with the highest search volume would always rank highest.
- Result numbers are scaled from 0 to 100 based on the ratio of topics to all searches on all topics.
- Different geographies showing the same number of search interest for a given keyword do not necessarily have the same total search volume.